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The information contained in this appis provided by free legal help as general information which may or may not reflect the most current legal developments. This information is not intended to constitute and should not be considered legal reference or legal advice Free Legal Help does not sponsor reliance upon or accept responsibility for the information Free Legal Help provides or for the way in which this information should be used or any action taken in consequence of theuse of such information. Moreover, Free Legal Help doesn't give any guarantees undertaking or warranties concerning the accuracy completeness or upto date nature of the information provided on this application.

Communication of information by or through this app and your receipt or use of such information is not intended to create any attorney client relationship with free legal health or any of the firms attorneysthe creation of the attorney client relation would require direct personal contact between you and our firm through one or more attorneys and would also require an explicit agreement in the form of an engagement letterbuy the form that confirms that an attorney client relationship is established and the terms of that relationship you should not act or rely upon information contained or given to you through this mobile application without specifically seeking professional legal advice.

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If you wish to discuss potential legal representation with us please use the contact us link although we are pleased to communicate with you. You should not rely upon transmission of an email through this application to create an attorney client relationship. Without an Attorney client relationship in the particular matter we cannot assure that your communications via the application will be privileged or that we will treat it as privileged unless we reach an explicit agreement otherwise. Therefore please do not send confidential or sensitive information to us by email through this application.

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